Monday, May 3, 2021

4.3 Barriers to Crisis Management

 Families vary in their readiness to face changes and crises in their lives.  Here are a few barriers to overcome in developing practical crisis management skills.

1. Fearful about changes: Due to past trauma or lack of skills, we get stuck in the past.  We are incapable of moving forward.

2. Rigidity in thinking: We cannot entertain other new ideas or think outside the box.  

3. Lacking emotional capacity: Parents are expected to guide the family through changes. If either parent is incapable of feeling empathic, then signs are missed, emotions are discounted, and discussions are killed. 

4. Too busy: Time and again, when we are not available to listen or build a relationship,  nothing will happen.

5. Disconnected: When disconnected with the hearts, we may manage events well but not the relationships. 

Overcoming these barriers requires the humility of our hearts and the readiness to act.  Crisis management not only addresses the incident; it addresses the impact on the psyche and the relationship.

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