Monday, April 26, 2021

4.2 Crisis Management Skills II

A great way to prepare for sudden changes or crises is to assess the situations, provide drills, practices, and briefing before or after the changes.

It is important to assess the risks and access the resources available.

I. Assess risks:
  • risk of becoming sedentary
  • risk of becoming isolated
  • risk of living in a greenhouse
  • risk of feeling overwhelmed
  • risk of self-harming behaviors
  • risk of imposter syndrome

II. Access resources:
  • school, community, and professionals
  • check out
  • check out Apps: Smiling Minds (for age 7-18), Mindshift, Stop Breathe and Think Kids, Calm, Headspace, Fabulous Self Care, Emotionary..., What's Good: daily gratitude

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