Monday, May 17, 2021

5. How well are you doing?

 We are coming close to the end of the school year. As parents in developing adaptive skills for the new normal, how well are we doing?

1. Cognitive Flexibility:  Am I thinking outside the box? Can I see things from my spouse's or my child's perspective?  Do I listen well while suspending my judgment?

2. Emotional Capacity: Am I able to label my own emotions first? Do I know what kind of struggles that my spouse or child is going through? Can I express my feelings and my needs so that the other person may understand?

3. Behavioral Consistency: Do I do what I say? Is there a routine that protects safety and establishes a healthy rhythm in my household?  Do I spend enough time at home to build relationships?

4. Crisis Management Skills: Am I aware of my spouse and my children's daily struggles?  Do I listen and journey with them? Do I have space for myself to relax and gather strength after a long day?  Am I good at managing crisis on both the incident level and the psychological level?  Am I ready to act to protect and provide for my family?  

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